Redwood Forest Wedding Pictures

Covid 19 is throwing a wrench in so many brides dreams of their perfect wedding day. Many couples are having to cancel, or postpone their wedding day. Brides and grooms are pushing dates to later this year and crossing their fingers, while others are completely rescheduling to 2021. Some couples still want to get married on their wedding date, but save their celebration for when things return to normal (if they ever do).

Back in 2010, my husband and I had an intimate wedding in Las Vegas, and planned to have a larger celebration wen we returned home. We had around 30 guests attend our Tuesday wedding (it was cheaper on a week day, something you should look into) while those who couldn’t make it, watched it streaming live. That big celebration never happened, but we don’t regret it one bit. We may have an anniversary or vow renewal in the future and have a bigger celebration, but choosing an intimate wedding is not something we regret at all.

Just because you can’t have the big celebration you are dreaming of, doesn’t mean you can’t get married. There are two parts of a wedding day…the ceremony (saying vows and actually getting married) and celebrating with family and friends. There are SO MANY OPTIONS for couples who are thinking about a smaller wedding This could be a small elopement ceremony in the redwoods, or an intimate wedding of less than 10 people on the beach. It also doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. You can have pretty lighting, seating and candles creating a romantic elegance. You could also make it an all day adventure. I specialize in adventure elopements in Humboldt County. You can get married in a redwood grove, hike into the mountains and get married at the peak, end your day with a picnic on the beach with a beautiful sunset and toast with some champagne and your wedding cake. You don’t have to say goodbye to your wedding…you may have to say goodbye to your old vision, but now is the perfect opportunity to re-design a new one. .travel to a dream location (when things open up) say hello to ideas you may have never thought of… before this is your chance to re-dream your wedding… start pinning away! Dream big! .Say goodbye to the stress of a traditional wedding and get married in a much less stressful way. If you just can’t pull the plug on your traditional dream wedding, but have to wait…you can choose to have portraits taken in your wedding attire and celebrate at a later date.. That is what Jeff and Kaitlyn decided to do. We ventured through a couple groves creating some great images. The redwoods were really green and pretty after a few days of rain.