Posts tagged california senior portraits
Cody's Benbow Inn Senior Session
Senior Sportraits|Parky's Pics Photography|Humboldt County
Senior Sunday|Humboldt County|2017SeniorGirls
SeniorSunday|2017Parky'sPics Photography|SeniorBoyWrapUp|HumboldtCounty
Bekah: Humboldt County Senior Portraits

I have known Bekah since she was born, so it was a pleasure to do he senior portraits. She is so sweet and nice, and also a great athlete.

We met in Scotia to her photos and they turned out great. It was a fun time, laughing and catching up. One of my lighting umbrellas broke, but we continued on and got some great shots. It was nice to visit Scotia again, as I grew up right next door in Rio Dell and used to work at the Pacific Lumber Company when I was going to college.

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