Why Rain Can Be Good on Your Wedding Day

There are a lot of details to think about when it comes to planning a wedding.  From the overall design and theme, to the flowers, colors, table top decor and more.  Oh and let’s not forget about the music, playlist and first dance, or the guest list, the food and of course, THE DRESS.  With so many things to do and lists to check off, the last thing you are going to think about might be an unexpected change in the weather.  Especially if you planned for a wedding during the warm summer months.     

 Mother nature has proven to us that you just can’t predict the weather sometimes.   We are creatures of habit and typically we have a good idea on what the weather will be like depending on the season.  This makes it relatively easy for us to plan parties, events and even weddings.. MOST of the time… But what if things change?  What if mother nature decides to rain on your wedding day?  

Sometimes unexpected changes can be a good thing, here’s why.

Rain on a wedding day means good luck!  I’m serious! You might have thought it was bad luck but it’s just the opposite!  In fact, in some cultures, rain on your wedding day is considered good luck symbolizing fertility and cleansing.  But that’s not all. Here are some reasons why rain can be good on your wedding day.  

Unique Photo Op - Rain creates one-of-a-kind wedding photos.  If you’ve ever seen wedding photos captured in the rain, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  The mist and soft natural light that is captured is something that can’t be easily recreated on a sunny day.  Not to mention the artistic and creative fun you can have with umbrellas and colorful rain boots! The stormy clouds in the sky can also put off an expressive eye dropping backdrop.  

 Close Enough to Cuddle - Rain is romantic.  Whether it’s a light drizzle or a huge downpour, cuddle up close to your new spouse under the same umbrella.  Capturing the two of you wrapped up in a warm embrace as the soft sound of the rain falls gently down your umbrella makes for a romantic kodak moment.

 Flowers that Last -  Floral arrangements often wilt from the heat and sun.  Flowers that are sprinkled with rain drops and cooler temperatures generally make flowers happier allowing them to stay vibrant longer. 

 A Rainy Wedding and an Unforgettable Story - Rainy day disasters may not seem funny in the moment but when you look back and tell the story to your children or to others it will all be worth it.  Everyone loves a good story and how epic would it be to tell your story, where the winds ripped the umbrella right out of your hands but you persevered and loved every moment of it, the good, the bad and the unforgettable. 

 Where there’s Rain, there’s a Rainbow - What comes at the end of a storm?  If it rains and the rain stops there’s bound to be a rainbow somewhere!  How beautiful would it be to capture a bright rainbow in the backdrop of your wedding photo?!

 Let’s Give em’ Something to Talk About - Rain gives your guests something to talk about.  There’s nothing like a little rain to bring a group of people together.  It can be the perfect ice breaker between two families getting to know one another.  

 Rain and Romance - Rain creates a romantic wedding atmosphere.  There’s a reason why some of the hottest kissing scenes in movie history take place in the rain, it’s so romantic!  The rain beating down on the roof or tent of you venue creates a very dreamy sound during a wedding.  

 Guests that Stay Cool - You don’t have to worry about overheated wedding guests.   Rain will cool down the venue making it a much more fun experience for all! 

 Reduce Allergies - Rain reduces airborne pollen and reduces allergies.  If you suffer from seasonal allergies, the last thing you might want is hot sunny skies - perfect conditions to kick those unwanted allergies into high gear.  

 Rain can sometimes be a surprise but it can also be a blessing in disguise.  

 “Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”.

 ~  Parky’s Pics Photography