Planning the Perfect Elopement - Stage 2 - Research & Logistics!

Hey guys, I’m back! 

Now that you’ve got your overall vision well underway, let’s talk about stage 2, the research & logistics of it all.  This is all about digging deep into research and figuring out what’s feasible. Your goal here is to make your adventure elopement vision a reality in the best way possible!  This will allow you to start finalizing details. Not a fan of researching? Don’t worry, we aren’t talking about a term paper here, this is fun! Trust me! 

Just like with Stage 1, try creating a relaxed and fun environment to enjoy the process. Sit together out on your backyard patio with your laptops or phones.  If you get stuck, remember there are lots of people you could hire to help you (like a knowledgeable photographer such as myself). :)

 As an elopement photographer & guide, Stage 2 tends to be where I help couples the most with their planning process.  I am always happy to help! 

Here are 3 easy tips to help you research! 

Do some deep digging.

Do as much research as possible, and dig as deep as you can.  It’s better to know now if there’s going to be even the slightest issue with weather, seasonal closures, accessibility, timing, or something else that would affect your dream day. 

Stay positive.

Don’t let yourself get discouraged if you find that some of the ideas you dreamed up in Stage 1 end up not being doable.  Keep looking for alternatives and enjoy the process of finding the perfect place for your amazing day! Elopements are designed to be flexible & spontaneous.

Ask for help.

If you get really stuck, again don’t hesitate to ask for help.  Reach out to friends who have travelled to your dream spot, or ask others on social media, contact a local guide company, or feel free to ask me for help.  This isn’t my first rodeo with elopements and I just might know a thing or two!  

Here are some important logistics to consider.  

What are the local marriage laws & requirements?

First and foremost you will want to make sure you can legally get married.  You’ll need to know what paperwork you will need as well as whether or not you need witnesses and an officiant.  I highly recommend taking care of any paperwork prior to your elopement day so you can have that stress out of the way.

Do you want other people  to be there?

If you want to have a few special guests there, that’s great!  Just make sure whatever location you have chosen, you know the 411 on it all.  Make sure you consider if it’s legal and ethical to have a wedding ceremony there.  There are some locations that have laws or rules against having any type of ceremony, and some places where it wouldn’t be appropriate.

How accessible is your site?  

Some locations have a “high” and “low” season which can definitely impact how secluded your destination location will be.  Be sure to contact someone locally for information so you know when the best time to visit your chosen spot.  

How will you get there?

Can you get there by car or plane?  Or do you have to get shuttled to a location and hike into your destination spot?

What kind of activities do you want to do?

Will there be dancing and is there enough room for it?  Often times even at the most remote locations, couples love to have the first dance… 

Do you want to do some sort of celebratory meal/drink?

Is there a certain meal or favorite dish that you just have to have on your wedding day? Is there a restaurant you can go to, or should you hire a private chef? If you’re hiking to your location, like through Humboldt Redwoods State Park for example, can you take a picnic with you? 

What is the weather like?  How do you need to prepare?

Make sure you are prepared for any and all weather conditions, especially if you plan on eloping in beautiful Humboldt County California!  The weather is often unpredictable here, so it’s a great idea to bring some extra things just in case!  

How busy/secluded  is your chosen ceremony location?

Depending on the time of year and location, your destination elopement spot might be busier than usual.  Take time to research the details on this one so you don’t run across any surprises! 

What vendors do you need? How easy are they to find?

Depending on your location and how remote it is, will determine many factors.  Be sure to dig deep into this one ahead of time so you can find any necessary vendors you might want.  

Alright, were you able to make some progress to find out what’s possible for your elopement day?  GREAT! This means you are well on your way to getting married in the most incredible, intimate and beautiful way possible! 

In my next email we will be talking about stage 3, making choices and booking.  Stay tuned for more! 

~ Parky’s Pics Photography