Senior Summer Sessions

The sun is beaming bright and temperatures are rising, summer is here and it is HOT!   This time of year often makes me feel like I am shooting in a sauna every summer when I head to an outdoor photography session with my high school senior clients.  Even on those scorching hot days where I can feel the hair on the back of my neck drenched with sweat, I am so thankful for where I live. Nestled in the heart of redwood country, I love the ever changing weather and climate variations of Southern Humboldt.  With having experienced the weather in all of it’s glory, I feel confident in my ability to adapt to any changes in temperature.  With that being said, having my clients feeling good and looking their best is important! Not to mention I don’t like spending an entire session feeling gross and sweaty either…  

I have put together a list of some of my favorite outdoor photography tips for beating the heat this summer!


Schedule With Purpose.

If you check the weather channel and it looks as if it’s going to be hot on the day of your photo shoot, make sure you consider which times of day might be the coolest.  From my experience, early morning and late in the day work best because it’s not uncomfortably warm. The lighting is also gorgeous around these times. :)



  Be Prepared to Hydrate.

When you have arrived at the spot you picked out, if it’s outside, chances are there’s no air conditioning or fully stocked fridge with cold drinks.  Bringing a cooler with lots of ice, water and your favorite drink is a great way to help you stay hydrated! 



 Keep the Motor Running.

Even though you might not be able to duck into an air conditioned house on location, your car can help keep you cooled off it the heat starts to get to you.  Take a 10-15 minute break in between shots by sitting in your care with the air conditioner on for a bit. This is a great alternative for a quick cool down.



 Plan the Itinerary Ahead of Time.

If your outdoor senior summer session includes a number of locations, a water attraction might make for a great final pit stop!  Squeeze in a fun and refreshing dip in the water somewhere along the Eel River.  Not only will this little adventure be sure to cool you off toward the end of your photo shoot, but  I will get the chance to take some jaw-dropping action shots of you in the water! It’s a win win!



 Bring a Battery Powered Fan.

A battery operated fan can sure be a lifesaver on a hot outdoor session!  Not only will a fan provide air circulation and help keep your makeup from running, but it might just create that perfect wind blown shot with your hair dancing in the breeze! 



How About A Cool Treat?

With senior summer sessions I sometimes love to incorporate ice cream into the session. It provides a quick cool down on a hot day and well… let’s face it.. Who doesn’t like ice cream!



 Use the Landscape.

When you’re planning an outdoor photography session, it’s a good idea to think about how much the surrounding landscape impacts the temperature.  Wooded areas such as in Humboldt Redwoods State Park can be a cool backdrop for a very hot day.  The top of a hill is always several degrees hotter during the heat of the day, so be sure to save those locations for either very early or very late.    



 Bring Supplies for Quick Comfort.

There are a lot of simple, inexpensive ways to cool down on a hot summer session. Cold, wet towels are great, especially draping one on the back of your neck during a pause between shots.  Pouring cold water over your wrists also gives your body a quick cool down. 



Think Like a Boy Scout.

You want to make sure you’ve got all the essentials you’d pack if you were heading to the beach or out on a hike.  Sunscreen and bug spray are a must for an outdoor photography session and it’s a good idea to keep a first aid kit in the car and a little bit of perfume and deodorant, too.




There are so many unique & fun images you can create with a senior summer photo session!  The landscape alone brings excitement and adventure to photo shoots. I highly recommend doing an outdoor photo shoot, the possibilities  are endless for capturing some of the most amazing photographs! Strike while the iron is hot and book your summer senior session today!