My Off Camera Flash Journey

I remember it vividly. Sitting on the beach with my toes in the warm sand at Swimmers Delight. Everyone else had headed back to the camp, laughing and joking around and getting ready for dinner and the fun night by the campfire. I was left to enjoy the sand, trees and river of beautiful Humboldt County by myself.  It was the most peaceful time of the day. The light was so soft; almost magical. I have a hard time slowing down, but in these moments I actually could slow down and enjoy. What I understand now as a photographer is that was the magical golden hour. I still love that magical golden hour.. When I walk  home now and see the sun glistening off the grass, I just want to grab my camera and start shooting. Every. Single. Time. But unfortunately that magical golden hour doesn't exist every day. We live in Humboldt County.  It is foggy...A rains.... A LOT... So I had to figure out something else to make my images look like the way I saw other wedding and senior photographers I admired look when it was foggy or raining. I started exploring off camera flash. I ordered some equipment. I watched countless videos, read articles and began teaching myself to use and shape the light in the way I wanted it. Foggy, cloud day? No problem. Now I could make those clouds tell a story and add drama to the image.  If I  didn't have golden light, I could create my own magical light.  I have loved every minute of  this learning process. Mistakes? I have made many. But if I would have never tried, never have put myself out there, I wouldn't have some of my favorite images or created magical images for my clients. I am enjoying every step of this photography journey and I appreciate more than you know you following me and supporting me on it.