
All this rain and gloomy weather is reminding me of Izaac's senior photo session.I have known Izaac since his 7th grade days, and can't believe he is going to be graduating South Fork High School soon! We shot his session over the Christmas Holiday, and you never know what kind of weather you are going to get in Humboldt County in December. We were originally going to do it in the Redwoods, along the Avenue of the Giants,  but since it was so dark, we did a last minute change up and I am really glad we did. It was a darker day, and the fog is all real, which made for some more dramatic photos. Izaac's mom assisted me with the use of off camera flash which helped set the mood. I was totally in a Riverdale phase when shooting these pictures and Izaac totally reminded me of Jughead, the calm and cool character from the popular TV show. My newest obsession is Pretty Little Liars, so I am going to jump off and enjoy season three with this storm brewing outside!