Humboldt County 8th Grade Portrait Session

 I an think of so many milestones in a child’s life that need to be documented.  From the first fresh days of your child’s newborn life all the way to their teary eyed High School graduation – there are a zillion moments in between that should be bottled up in a photograph and kept forever.  This is just one of them – but it’s a big one (at least I think it is).  8th Grade Graduation! Sometimes this Milestone might get a bit overlooked in life – at least the significance of it.  But I think it is one of the most important ones. 

They have just finished nine years of schooling. Yes. NINE YEARS. Kudos to you mama, for helping them make it through. That in itself is a pretty big deal. It is something to celebrate. They are taking the big leap from childhood and will be navigating the murky waters of high school. 

I believe 8th grade portraits shouldn't break the bank. I am offering limited edition sessions for the month of March. If you want more details, contact me on facebook at or 

This is the next step in your child’s journey into their teens and even closer to adulthood.  Yes, they will continue to change and mature over the years, they will in fact become wiser, more insightful, maybe even a bit more stubborn, definitely more independent and one can hope even more loving.  But I assure you that you won’t regret grabbing on to this time in their life.