How to Plan an Elopement!

Dear dreamers and adventurers,

More and more couples are considering eloping instead of having a traditional style wedding.  So, if you’re reading this, congrats on stepping outside the box and choosing to do something different!  

Eloping means that all of the wedding day choices you have to make, are YOURS entirely. There are no rules. You can truly make your day any adventure you want—it can be a day that reflects the two of you instead of being focused on everyone else’s needs, opinions, and expectations. 

Keep in mind that all of this freedom to plan your dream day can feel a bit overwhelming, which is totally normal!  To help ease some of the stress I’ve put together a step by step guide to help with the process and make things all fall into place relatively easy for you!  

Each week I will post a new blog with content to help you plan the perfect elopement so be sure to come back and check each week!

Before we really dive in, let’s go over some frequently asked questions about elopements.  

What is an Elopement?

Elopement planning doesn’t necessarily have clear consecutive steps, it happens in stages.   Just like climbing most mountains, there are many ways to the top—but if you feel lost, follow my lead!

How long do I need to plan?

The average time it takes to plan an elopement is about 4-10 months.  Planning things out during this time frame gives you a chance to book flights at good prices and find great lodging in advance.  However, I have seen couples successfully plan incredible elopements anywhere from 1 week to 4 months out though. Anything is possible!   

How much does eloping cost?

The U.S. national average for a traditional wedding is $34,000(crazy huh!), but you can have an incredibly amazing elopement for less than half of that!  Expect to spend 50-80% of your budget on photography and the rest on travel, attire, rings, flowers, hair & makeup, an officiant, food, activities, and your marriage license.   The awesome thing about eloping is that you really do have room to play if you are on a budget! 

Can other people come?

Absolutely! An “elopement” is defined by intentionally focusing your wedding day on YOU TWO (the couple). If you have close family & friends that want to support & celebrate with you—go for it.  I’ve experienced elopements with up to 25 people with the same vibe as a 2-person elopement.

Now that we have the most frequently asked questions answered, keep an eye out for my next series of emails that will be focusing on the 5 stages of elopement planning!  The 5 topics we are focusing on are: dream & brainstorm, research & consider logistics, make choices & start booking, finalize details & get ready, and... Have the best elopement day! 

Get ready, stage one is coming right up!