How To Have More Fun At Your Wedding

It has been a pleasure capturing many once in a lifetime moments, through the lens of my trusty camera over the years.  Witnessing on so many occasions, the act of two people saying their vows and beginning their journey of a life together has truly touched my heart and soul.  Each wedding I shoot has had its very own intimate love story to tell. How lucky am I to have been the one chosen to help capture these “once in a lifetime moments”!

Being a part of so many different couple’s experiences, I’ve seen firsthand the details that can make a wedding unforgettable!  In all of the weddings I have photographed and been involved with, there is one key ingredient that seems to make certain ones stand out more than the rest!  FUN… Yes, fun!

I mean, how can you forget a memory that brings a smile to your face each time you think of it right? Exactly!  To make the most out of your special day and to create some funny memorable moments, I’ve made a list of how to add more fun to your wedding!

Look at your reception from a different point of view…

The chances are really good that you already know how to throw a great party, one that’s fun for you and your people.  Now, I can’t tell you what your perfect entertainment recipe is, since ideas of fun are not universal. Some people might love the idea of dancing their socks off to hip-hop, while others might have a completely different vibe and style.  The trick is to figure out what makes you love a party, and then try to somehow incorporate that into your wedding.

The people…

The absolute most important element of your wedding is the people.  However, for some reason, your guest list also happens to be the one thing that the wedding industry will tell you to cut first.  It’s hard to get the idea out of your head of cutting your guest list down after hearing it over and over a thousand times. But when you walk away from a wedding, you ultimately think about the conversations you had, the people you caught up with, and the vibe of all those amazing folks in one room.  Trust me, it won’t be the decorations you are talking about a week later… So no matter how big or small your wedding ends up being, think of the people first, and make everything else secondary on your list.

Take care of your guests…

There is something a little vulnerable about arriving at a wedding where you don’t know many people, and wonder what your next few hours of your life will be like in the hosts’ hands.  Your hope is that they will feed you well and place you sitting next to a nice group of people, but you never quite know. Just as there are many weddings, there are also many ways to take care of your guests.  You could provide welcome notes at the hotel everyone is staying at, a way for guests to get to know each other (like name tags with a note about how you know each person). Or you could provide a seating chart with a small explanation about who your guests are.  Another kind gesture would be to have a basket of flip flops near the dance floor for your guests. This small detail shows your guests that their comfort is important to you, not to mention their feet might appreciate getting out of those high heels for a bit!

Balance is key

When putting together your wedding, the goal is to have a balance of what you love, as well as what your guests will like.  When it comes to music for instance, that might just mean mixing some of the songs and styles of music you’re into, with a variety of styles your guests like!  

Let people know what to expect…

Surprisingly, the majority of guests are good at “rolling with the punches” so to speak, as long as they know what they’re getting into up front.  For instance, if you only plan on serving cake and punch at the reception, let them know ahead of time, on the invite. This way they’ll be prepared and come with a full stomach but also ready to have a great time!  Use your invitations or wedding website (if you have one), and word of mouth to let people know exactly what kind of party they’re in for.

Feed people on time..

If there was one very important rule to not forget for every wedding no matter what, it would be this: Feed people.  Hangry guests are not happy guests, so be sure to feed people at appropriate meal times and with enough food.

Loosen the reins…

And finally, the most important rule of all.  Don’t be afraid to cut loose and have a good time!  Guests are paying very careful attention to you and your partner they’re going to feed off your vibe.  If you’re relaxed, they’ll relax too. If you’re dancing, they will want to dance too. If you’re having the absolute best time of your life, they will too…

Weddings are so much fun when everyone is smiling, laughing, and enjoying their surroundings.  Make the most out of your special day and create a really energetic atmosphere for all to enjoy!  A fun and uplifting experience is unforgettable, so make the most of it!