How to have a great Semi-Formal Experience!

Semi-formals are one of the special high-lights of the high school experience.  I remember all the chatter in the halls at school, all the talk and excitement everyone felt, girls talking about the latest dress styles, how they were going to do their hair & makeup and of course, who their date was going to be.  It’s a night full of fun, laughter, time spent with friends and of course, dancing! There are moments in high school you won’t forget, and a semi-formal dance, is one of them! Here are some important steps to take to help make this a night you simply won’t forget!

Plan your Appearance

It’s all about the dress.  Set a time and a date ahead of time with friends to go pick out the perfect dress.  It’s best to start looking a couple of months before your semi-formal. There are various styles and types of dresses you might want.  Be sure to choose something that you love and that you feel the most confident and comfortable in. You want to feel great in what you are wearing!

Find the perfect accessories to match.  It’s a great idea to choose accessories to go along with your dress, after you picked out the perfect one and the shoes to match!

Will it be a tuxedo or suit?  Tuxedos tend to be more on the formal side and traditionally worn at evening events.  A suit is more casual and is considered appropriate for both daytime and nighttime occasions.  If you know who you will be taking to the dance, you might want to check in with her and ask what color her dress is.  You can add a little color and flare to your outfit by adding a few colors to match her dress.

Hair do’s & dont’s.   Decide first who you want to have do your hair.  If you are going to create your own style and do it yourself, start thinking of how you would like to have it. Once you’ve decided on a hairstyle, buy any products or supplies needed (hair spray, clips, curlers etc.) ahead of time, and start practicing so you get your desired style dialed in!  If you want to have a hair stylist do your hair, be sure to book your appointment in advance to secure your spot. Don’t dye your hair right before the dance because you never know what could go wrong! It’s always best to dye your hair a couple of weeks before so you have time to fix any mistakes that might happen.

Decide how you want to do your makeup.  Look at makeup styles online that you like and buy the makeup you will need to perfectly execute the look you are going for.  Practice before the dance so you have it down on the day of. Be sure to only wear the amount of makeup you feel comfortable in.  It’s your choice if you want to go with a lot of makeup, a little or even none. The most important part is that you feel comfortable and beautiful on your night!

Get Ready with your Friends

A little get together.  What better to get ready for the big day then to be surrounded by your friends!  Spend the day talking, laughing and helping each other look your best! There’s nothing like being around positive energy and creating memories you won’t forget!

Dates to the Dance

Your date.  You don’t need a date for a formal dance, but if you want one start figuring out who you might want to take in advance.  If you don’t have a significant other, think about a friend you could ask to go with you as your date or who you think might ask you.  Choose someone who you think you will have fun with!

Going with a group.  Whether you go with just your friends or with a date, go to the dance in a group.  Plan your group a few weeks before the dance. Ask your friends, your date’s friends, and their dates if they want to go together.  It makes doing all of the pre-get together and after activities a lot more fun!

Take pictures

Decide where to take photos.  Once you have your formal group determined you can then decide where you want to take photos before the formal.  There are many different places in Humboldt county you can take some great photos: a backyard, an elegant staircase, a garden full of flowers, on a hilltop overlooking a valley, or along the bridge near the Benbow Historic Inn just to name a few.

What’s for dinner?

Plan where to have dinner.  Have dinner somewhere that everyone in your group likes before the dance.  The restaurant should be near where the dance will be held. Once you have all agreed on a place, make reservations ahead of time because the popular restaurants fill up quickly!

How are you getting to and from the dance?

Figure out your transportation.  There are many options for getting to formal, depending on your budget and what you are wanting.  Taking a limo is definitely a fancy stylish way to arrive to the dance, but may not always be in everyone’s budget.  You can always select a parent or two to drive!

Make a plan afterwards!

What to do after the dance is over.  What you do after the dance is entirely up to you.  Have an idea in mind of what you want to do. A group of your closest friends over for the night is a great way to end an evening!  You can stay up late reminisce about your favorite memories from the dance around a bonfire in the backyard!

In the blink of an eye you will be graduating and your high school years will be over before you know it.  Take moments like the semi-formal dance, and make memories you won’t forget!