
Dave and Aimee were supposed to get married atop a cliff overlooking the ocean, but the day before their wedding day they had to unexpectedly switch venues.  Aimee messaged me the following message, “Our “wedding” is just a day...our “marriage” is what we care about. I could cry, I could flip out, I could panic, or I could laugh. I chose to laugh. C’est la vie.”

This is EXACTLY the attitude you must possess to make it in a marriage. Life is going to throw you some curve balls and the only way you are going to make it through is TOGETHER, hand in hand, with a positive attitude that no matter what comes your way, you will conquer it together. That is precisely what this couple did. With the help of friends and family, they  threw together a backyard wedding overnight. It was perfect. From being able to get ready in the comfort of your own home to having your two sons walk you down the aisle in your front yard, to toasting to the future on your very own front porch. Did I also mention on the beginning of their honeymoon they had to endure a tropical storm? I have no doubt this couple will weather any storm together.