A Football Player's Guide to Senior Portraits

A Football Player’s Guide to Senior Portraits


Being a football player has probably defined you in high school and as high school comes to an end the best way to remember those times is through your senior portraits.


This is a guide with tips on incorporating your passion of football into your senior portraits.

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  1. Take advantage of using the school’s football field and stadium. Using the field, stadium and high school makes an excellent location and backdrop for your senior portraits. 


2. Make sure to bring a football. It wouldn’t be a football senior photoshoot without using a football as a prop. Here a few ways that you can use the football. 



  1. Wear your jersey and jeans. You can skip the shoulder pads here but make sure to incorporate your jersey. Do not forget to bring a change of clothes as well. You do not want all your photos to be in your jersey. You may but I am sure your mom doesn’t.

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  1. Have fun with it. Throw the ball around, try different poses in the stands, on the field and against the field goal. Relax. Do not be stiff or worry about looking silly, have fun with it.  



  1. Make sure to take senior portraits that do not include the football field and jersey as well. You want to remember your time on the football team but you also want to have casual photographs as well. 



Use these five tips and a great photographer and you will have the best senior portraits to remember your time in high school and your time on the football field.