5 tips for having a career and a side hustle.

I don’t know how you do it all. People tell me this all the time when they see me, because they know I am a full time 3rd grade teacher as well as running a photography business. I was “doing it all” and that resulted in  horrible insomnia, and a 70 lb weight gain in 3 years. So doing it all isn’t going to work for me anymore. As I come off an amazing 2 week vacation and hit the ground running with teaching and coaching, I am sharing 5 ways that I have learned to lighten my load when it comes to having a career and running a business.

  1. I get up early.  Real early, before the roosters early. When I was in high school and had aspirations of playing college basketball, my go to quote was “If you are not practicing, somewhere, someone else is and when you meet in competition, they will beat you.” So I have always strived to be the hardest working person I know. Since this business is in addition to my full time teaching career, I treasure those quiet  morning hours.

  2. Get good in camera. I try to get it right in camera, so there is less editing on the back end.

  3. Outsource. I have a virtual assistant, and a housekeeper.  Many photographers outsource various aspects of their business. I cannot outsource my editing because it is my saving grace, but I do outsource a few of the “business tasks” part of my business, so I have more time to spend with my family. I could do those things and I actually enjoy doing those things, but I also enjoy spending time with my children. They are more important.  I don’t mind cleaning and organizing. In fact, I enjoy it, but when you spend your week in the classroom, run a busy side business and are raising 2 children, there just isn’t time to get to the deep cleaning. I still clean daily, I mean I have two children and 21 students who all for some reason can’t seem to see the granola bar wrapper on the floor or the million pencils under their desk. ( I guess only I possess that super power). Also during my busiest month of April when I am shooting multiple sports leagues my husband helps me with the ordering portion of my workflow.  Last year I shot around 60 teams in the month of April. He was my life saver.

  4. Batch Tasks- In order to avoid stress, I batch various tasks. I batch my editing, and lesson planning. I also batch grading papers and weekly meal prep. My goal this year is to also batch my social media content, and blog posts as well.

  5. Angela Watson- She is an educational consultant who trains teachers on how to have better time management and has great tips.  She is AMAZING and has saved my life. I could not have a career and run a business without her 40 Hour Teacher Workweek professional development course and Truth for Teachers podcast.

I hope you may have learned something from reading this post that could help you with your side hustle. What is your side hustle?